Unlocking Free Books
Currently, the books on our Free Books shelf are scheduled to unlock at 7 AM PST. Please keep in mind that the timing may vary based on your local time zone, as this is determined by our location. Here is a table of some common time zones.
Time Zone | Local Unlock Time |
Pacific Standard Time (PST) | 7:00 AM |
Eastern Standard Time (EST) | 10:00 AM |
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) | 3:00 PM |
Central European Time (CET) | 4:00 PM |
Indian Standard Time (IST) | 8:30 PM |
Australian Eastern Time (AET) | 1:00 AM (next day) |
Unlocking Process: After 7 AM PST, the free book should automatically unlock for you. If you already have the app open, simply close and reopen it to ensure the change takes effect.
How Free Books Work
Here's how our Free Books shelf operates:
Free for a Limited Time: The book is available for free during a specific timeframe, as indicated by the date displayed beneath the book cover on the shelf and on the book's summary page.
Countdown Timer: Once a book becomes free, you'll see a countdown timer indicating the remaining time for free access under the book cover on the shelf and on the book's summary page.
Progress Reset: Books on the Free Books shelf will have a banner at the top of every chapter, explaining that the book's progress will be reset to the start once the book is no longer free.
Continuing Reading: When the free access period ends, you'll have the option to spend points to retain your progress and continue reading. This allows you to pick up where you left off even after the book returns to its regular status.
Why do Free Books reset at the end of the free period?
Our free books shelf operates in a way that's similar to the free trials you might find with other services. For example, when you sign up for a free trial with a streaming service, you get to enjoy their content during that trial period. However, once the trial ends, you'll lose access to that content unless you decide to pay for the service.
In our case, the books on our free shelf are like a "Free Trial" of the Galatea Unlimited experience, where you can enjoy a smooth and uninterrupted reading experience without wait times. The difference is that we rotate these free books regularly to offer a diverse selection and ensure readers always have new options to explore.