If payment charges have appeared on your card that you didn’t make, be sure to contact Apple or Google Play’s support team to investigate. Galatea will never create a charge without user authorization.
For Android:
Google Play Support can be reached by visiting support.google.com/googleplay and selecting the “Contact Us” button in the upper right corner.
For Apple:
Go to reportaproblem.apple.com. Once there, sign in with the Apple ID and password that was used to make the purchase. Follow the onscreen steps to contact an Apple support agent.
If the charge in your bank says Galatea instead of Google or Apple:
Please get in touch with our customer support team with the following information:
- The Date of the Charge
- The Amount that was charged
- The last 4 digits of the card associated with the account
If you continue to see charges made to Galatea without your consent, we suggest that you contact your credit card company as well!